If you watched Hovinds videos and don't believe why do you want to keep discussing?
I cant help you and you cant help me.
There are a lot of Ad hominem attacks against Hovind. I have read a lot of the details and would say from reading the impartial details that Hovind was involved in some serious spiritual warfare.
The prosecutor who prosecuted him was a pedophile who was arrested for pedophilia and committed suicide in jail.
Hovind says he was not in jail for tax evasion but for structuring. Taking money out of his own account.
I wouldn't believe the wickpedia account on why he was in jail as they site no references.
Why doesn't wikepedia print the federal adjudication that he was found guilty of tax evasion?
I have just spent some time trying to read the specifics on why Hovind went to jail. I am not convinced he went to jail for tax evasion.
If you have some reliable evidence please share. It may be out there. I haven't seen it yet.
Lets say Hovind is or was guilty of tax evasion. That really has nothing to do with the information on his videos.
Truth is truth and truth is where you find it.
God made Balsams ass talk.
Either you believe what Hovind says in his videos or you don't
I believe most of what he says and you don't believe what he says.
I believe in the God of the Bible and you don't.
You have watched the videos read the bible and made your decision.
Case settled, have a nice life.
End of story.